Hello World.

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Yes, I really did keep the generic WordPress opening title. On purpose.

So here’s the thing:  I haven’t written a blog post in a long time.  Years even.  So go easy on me since this is my first one in a while. 


What is this blog about?  Well…it’s about books.  And home.  And a little bit about my life possibly, but I’m not much of a sharer so I’m not sure there will be a ton of that.  Except my pets, I share them all the time.


Books I’m reading, books I recommend, maybe some author interviews eventually, bookish events, thoughts about books, you name it, if it’s book-related I’m into it.


I’m in the process of (very slowly) re-doing my home.  Or actually “doing” my home since I have never really done anything to it before.  I’ve been here for 9 years this fall and I have put things in the house (furniture, pets) but I’ve never decorated it.  I’ve never painted it, except for my youngest daughter’s room.  I’ve never really purchased furniture on purpose.  There are so many reasons for this I can’t even begin to explain, and really why bother with the “why” when really the interesting part is the “what now” that is coming. 


Who am I?  I’m a mom, but my youngest is 16 so this won’t really be a “mom blog” since my other two are 24 and 27. 

I’m a pet owner with a dog named Charlie, and three cats named Thumbs, Willow and Jinx.  Thumbs and Willow are litter-mates.  Her mom was our first family cat.  She actually was my middle child’s cat, but we all loved her.  Jinx is my youngest child’s cat. 

I work in Marketing and Strategy at a smallish regional bank.  I work from home, which I love, and I like my job.  I have a good team, and I have a lot of respect for the bank I work for.  During Covid, they split the staff at each branch into two teams and each team worked half time so there was less chance of contagion.  They got paid for full-time though because if they could have lived on part-time pay they would have been working part-time on purpose.  When I have had difficulties in my life (family deaths or illnesses) and had to miss work, they bent over backwards to make my life easy.  I could probably make more at a bigger company or in a different industry (and I could use it!),  but money isn’t always the most important thing.  You have to not want to kill yourself when you think about going to work too.  Been there, done that.  This is worlds better.

I’m a Gen Xer, which since being on TikTok I’ve realized is “a thing” I should care about. 

The rest I guess you’ll have to keep reading to learn. 

More to come soon!


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