October Start

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Had a visitor to my fall mums!

It’s October!  I feel like I just wrote my September post! I know everyone says it, but it just goes by so fast.  Fall is bittersweet for me.  I THRIVE in the summer.  It is my favorite season by far.  I love even the hottest of days (I might not if I didn’t have air conditioning but that’s another story), and as long as it’s not too humid I’ll sit outside on the hottest days.  Winter is another story.  I could do without winter entirely.  I have a hard time motivating once it gets cold and gray.  Snow is pretty but it’s not actually the norm for our winters anymore.  Cold, gray and barren seem to be more likely. 

So while I love autumn it’s harder to enjoy because of what’s coming.  Still, those early fall days in September and October are favorites.  I love pulling out the sweaters I packed away in the spring and snuggling into them on cooler days and nights.  I love decorating in fall colors and putting out mums on my porch.  And Halloween!  Spooky season, as the TikTok generation has named it, is always a time my kids and I enjoy even though they’re all grown or nearly so.  Nothing makes me happier than seeing my porch full of mums and pumpkins in different sizes and colors.

READING I’m sorry to say I didn’t finish the Challenger book I started in September.  It was a great book, but it was a new book at our local library which means it had a shorter borrow time.  The book was so detailed and in depth, and it is a long read.  I do want to read it, but I may have to buy it to do so.  Instead I read (listened to) The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin, most of Songteller by Dolly Parton (it’s long to listen to) and The Guest List by Lucy Foley.  Currently I’m listening to The Lost Apothecary by Sarah Penner. 

WATCHING I have finished every one of the HomeTown shows that exist.  I’ve seen all the episodes of every season of every spinoff.  I enjoyed all of it, and I still both want to move to a small town and never want to deal with the stress of moving again. 

MOVIES We saw Deadpool and Wolverine in September, and now my 16-year-old is obsessed (at least temporarily) with the X-Men verse.  She has now watched every movie and even some of the old animated shows. 

DOING Or should I say re-doing? We’re upgrading my 16-year old’s bedroom. Sunday I started painting. It’s been a very girly pinky-purple since she was 8 and she was ready for an upgrade. She chose a light buttery yellow, which I’m loving so far. I still have to do a second coat today but then the painting part will be done. She inherited a queen-size bed frame from my dad. It’s a forest green metal frame, and I need to put it together and buy a mattress and box spring. We’re rearranging to room, and for her birthday earlier in the year she asked for her own tv, so that’s waiting to be unboxed. There are shelves to go up and a bookshelf to be put together, so there will still be plenty to do after the painting is done, but it’s progress!

What are you doing this October? Is it going to be spooky season all month long or just a nice slow fall? What about pumpkin spice? Yes or no? I’d love to hear what’s up for you this month!

More soon!


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