• Screams and Shadows: Horror movies I’ve watched recently

    I’ve been watching horror movies, which is the usual for me, but I feel like I’ve watched all of them now.  I don’t like “slasher” films, but anything with ghosts or possession I’m there for.  Psychological horror is good too, although it’s my second choice.  I’m out of English language films and it’s harder to…

  • October Start

    It’s October!  I feel like I just wrote my September post! I know everyone says it, but it just goes by so fast.  Fall is bittersweet for me.  I THRIVE in the summer.  It is my favorite season by far.  I love even the hottest of days (I might not if I didn’t have air…

  • Its been a busy few weeks!

    A week ago (18th-20th) I was in Boston for the HubSpot INBOUND24 conference.  HubSpot is the marketing and email program we use at work.  The conference was all of the things: amazing, informative, bright, crowded, impressive and exhausting.  I loved it, but I’m very glad it wasn’t more than three days. I don’t think I…

  • One week in

    We’re one week into September already.  School has started, albeit slowly for us.  My youngest homeschools.  She’s in her Junior year of high school so is fairly self-sufficient.  She takes classes online and I help with things like math when she gets stuck or learning how to write papers of all sorts, which her in-school…

  • Charlie update

    Charlie is fine.  It took two vet visits and a number of medications, but he basically had an upset stomach and is kind of a drama queen.  Even the vet thought it was serious because he wasn’t eating or drinking for a few days, but after an X-ray to rule out an intestinal blockage and…

  • Pets. Love them. Hate the expense.

    Today was an interesting day.  It actually started yesterday evening when our dog, Charlie, started getting sick.  He threw up three times and then made multiple urgent trips outside overnight.  He didn’t want dinner at all, barely even gave it a sniff. This morning he didn’t want breakfast and was so lethargic.  He only wanted…

  • September start

    What I’m reading right now:  Challenger: A True Story of Heroism and Disaster on the Edge of Space By Adam Higginbotham I was one of those Gen X kids you read about on Facebook that was sitting in their classroom on January 28, 1986 in front of a tv on a cart the teacher had…

  • TL;DR: Book Journals are it.

    Book Journals!  I forgot to mention Book Journals.  When I talked about “all things books” I didn’t mention one of my favorite things.  I started keeping a book journal three years ago.  After 2020 and the pandemic I discovered TikTok, which my daughter had been on since it was Musical.ly but I had never tried. …

  • Hello World.

    Yes, I really did keep the generic WordPress opening title. On purpose. So here’s the thing:  I haven’t written a blog post in a long time.  Years even.  So go easy on me since this is my first one in a while.  FIRST What is this blog about?  Well…it’s about books.  And home.  And a…

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